Capitol Hill Release of Best of Both Worlds
During his presentation, Lance Roberts, assistant secretary for Aging and administrator for the Administration for Community Living, explained the benefits of intergenerational solutions.
Lance’s comments came Thursday night at Generations United and The Eisner Foundation’s Capitol Hill Release of our report, The Best of Both Worlds: A Closer Look at Spaces That Connect Young and Old.
Trent Stamp, CEO of The Eisner Foundation (our partner), kicked off the event by explaining the purpose of our report.
Our Executive Director Donna Butts, who shared key findings.
Here are some highlights from Donna’s remarks.
Lance made his remarks after Donna.
Diane Beckley knows first-hand how intergenerational shared sites benefit all ages. As chief operating office at St. Ann Center’s Bucyrus Campus, she shared with the audience what she sees every day.
Diane shared a few stories of how bringing all ages under one room works.
Diane’s narratives reminded Donna of a funny moment at an intergenerational shared site in Oklahoma.
Then, Senator Bob Casey mentioned that language from the Aging Together Act — a bill he cosponsored to promote multigenerational activities and intergenerational shared sites — was included in the draft Senate bill to amend the Older Americans Act.
That concluded our event.
We thank all those who came up and helped spread the word about our event.
Check out our report, The Best of Both Worlds: A Closer Look at Spaces That Connect Young and Old.