Meet Tiana Jones
Before my introduction to Generations United, I didn’t know there was a word for how my parents grew up, I just knew that it was an import part of who they are. They were raised by their grandparents (“Ma,” “Mama,” and “Grandad.”)
I remember their stories about growing up “in the sticks” of Eastern, North Carolina, and the trials of working in the field or the hard but loving nature of my maternal great-grandmother. Both of my parents talk about those formative years of growing up in the care of their grandparents, while their parents were still figures in their lives.
Thanks to Generations United, I now know that my parents grew up in grandfamilies — households where grandparents, other relatives and close family friends are raising children. Having the opportunity to learn more about Generations United’s advocacy and legislative efforts made me excited to apply for a field placement and even more excited when it became a reality.
This summer, I will have the opportunity to be a apart of the grandfamilies team which includes me engaging with our GrAND members, attending legislative hearings and meetings, and conducting research around various Kinship Navigator Programs throughout the country, specifically identifying resources that’ll help agencies better address the needs of grandparents and other relatives raising children.
I will be graduating from the University of Michigan School of Social Work this upcoming December with a Master of Social Work (MSW) with a concentration in Social Policy & Evaluation within Community and Social Systems.
My hope is to work in a field that will allow me to bring together my experience and interests of the juvenile justice, child welfare and education systems to advocate for policies that support and empower families, especially non-traditional families like the ones in which my parents grew up.
Since being at Generations United, I’ve learned a lot about the importance of intergenerational connections — how essential it is for youth development and older adults having a sense of purpose. At the same time, I’ve learned that there is a lot of work to be done in providing adequate support to children and older caregivers in grandfamilies.
My great grandparents were fortunate enough to have a network of family and friends to help with raising my parents and many other relatives.
The families my parents grew up in might not have been traditional, but they were strengthened by unconditional love and support. Two products of grandfamilies made me the person that I am today, and for that I am grateful.