Recap of Our Virtual Release of Family Matters: Multigenerational Living Is on the Rise and Here to Stay

Generations United
2 min readApr 5, 2021


Last week, Generations United launched a virtual release for our new report, Family Matters: Multigenerational Living is on the Rise and Here to Stay, which includes results of a recent national survey of multigenerational households.

It also includes family profiles as well as recommendations for how individuals and the private and public sectors can make it easier, more widespread, and acceptable so that the increasing number of multigenerational families can thrive.

Our Executive Director Donna Butts, who was introduced by our board member and emcee, Jatrice Martel Gaiter, evoked the memory of Margaret Mead during her presentation.

Then Donna gave an overview of multigenerational living and shared key research findings.

After Donna, came the panel discussion moderated by Amy Goyer, report author and expert on Multigenerational Living.

We appreciated our friends sharing our new report during the event.

We appreciated an attendee sharing her experience of living in a multigenerational household.

After the panel discussion, Donna went over the policy implications and recommendations included in our report.

After a brief Q&A, we concluded the event.

We thank those who continued sharing our report and kept the discussion going after the event.

If you want to experience the full event, then watch the recording.



Generations United
Generations United

Written by Generations United

National nonprofit that improves children, youth and older adults' lives through intergenerational programs and policies. Why? Because we're stronger together.

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